mudmuncher on "Estate agent poker"
Been thinking of putting an offer in on a place I like for the past week or so. Its been on the market a while and the estate agent has been on the phone every other day saying I'll miss out if I don't...
View Articlebeaker on "Estate agent poker"
Surely you offer what you are prepared to pay for the house and if the vendor says no you look for another property? I've no doubt the EA is trying to start a bidding war as it's in his interest to.
View Articleagent007 on "Estate agent poker"
Same happened with me, offered what it was worth to me. Vendor declined my offer. Moved on, continued to look at other places. 4 weeks later agent was back on the phone saying vendor would like to go...
View Articleski on "Estate agent poker"
Ask the agent, what the other offer was and then offer less, stating your offer is real.
View ArticleJunkyard on "Estate agent poker"
one of those there job is to get the most money possibleGot involved in a bidding war and was asked for a final offer I did this and they said the bids were so close they would ask for anotherI then...
View Articlebluearsedfly on "Estate agent poker"
Had something similar, house up for sale for 12 months with little interest. I put an offer in and they had another offer the same day, thought it was bs until I lost the house after reaching what I...
View Articlemudmuncher on "Estate agent poker"
I already witnessed some slightly dodgy antics from this estate agent a few months ago, so I certainly think they are capable of making up bogus offers. I guess there is no way to find out. Was...
View Articlethecaptain on "Estate agent poker"
I reckon your best bet is to not offer at all, but tell the EA that you may be interested and ask them to get back to you if/when the other buyer falls through. Bidding against someone is bad enough,...
View Articlesuburbanreuben on "Estate agent poker"
Offer what you think it's worth. Tell the agent it's your best and final offer. If they say they have a better offer tell them you'll leave your offer with them, just in case, but ask them what else...
View Articlematt_outandabout on "Estate agent poker"
I have also learned to be utterly direct and clear with agents and vendors or buyers.Just tell them what you think it's worth. Tell them you expect it to be communicated to vendor. Ask for email, and...
View ArticleMidnighthour on "Estate agent poker"
Contact the actual property owner. Just say you want to make sure your bid has been passed on to them, as an estate agent has let you down before. Fair chance they will give some useful comments about...
View Articlemikewsmith on "Estate agent poker"
Surely you offer what you are prepared to pay for the house and if the vendor says no you look for another property? I've no doubt the EA is trying to start a bidding war as it's in his interest to. EA...
View Articlegrum on "Estate agent poker"
A family member found out this way that her estate agent was not passing on bids - in order to sell her house cheap to his builder mate, the 'only' person to have made an offer on the property, or so...
View Articlemt on "Estate agent poker"
The builder mate estate agent fraud is pretty common I suspect. Happened to me and witnessed it in action. Was looking at house details EA shop, listened to the dodgy EA telling a couple that...
View Articlehels on "Estate agent poker"
Call their bluff. Don't offer more than you would have, and end up paying more than you should !
View Articlebigyinn on "Estate agent poker"
I am so pleased I bought our house from some acquaintances without going through an EA. The more I hear and know about them, the less I want to have to deal with them.
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